Why are multi-disc sanding machines more popular now?
The trend in wood flooring for the last several years has been a natural surface appearance. Also the pressure on quality due to larger windows and better lighting increased the demand tremendously (fig. 1).
This is where the TRIO a REAL multi-disc machine and PST® come into the game. Read below why ...
In a real world project we tested the differences between a converted single-disc machine and the TRIO, a DEDICATED multi-disc sanding machine. We compared two machines from two different manufacturers with the TRIO in a real test according to our PST®-Method.
The sanding tests were carried out on a 10 m² / 108 sq. ft. PST® training area. The two single-disc machines in this project (machine A, B) were equipped with a four-disc attachment, in which the individual inflexible mounted sanding disc was driven by an outer gear ring. For each sanding operation (cut), the time required was recorded (fig. 3):
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As seen in the individual times in fig. 3 the machines of the other two manufacturers need significantly more time than the TRIO, especially during the fine sanding. Due to the flexibly suspended sanding discs the TRIO sands way more consistent and evenly as the other two machines.
With machine A, it was even necessary to sand some areas twice since traces of the previous sanding operations (cuts) were still visible. The inflexible suspended discs of the four-disc sanding attachments didn’t adjust themselves to the floor. Overall, the TRIO achieves a time savings of approximately 25% compared to machine A and about 18% compared to machine B (as seen in fig. 3, line “Total”). As an added feature, TRIO also produces a flat floor.
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Even with abrasion rates that are lower than drum or belt sanders, these measurements show that even with coarse grits a large amount of material is removed. This confirms the PST® theory that the TRIO works well even with coarse grits.
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In fig. 5 the results of testing. The TRIO reached very high material removal rates, 25% higher than the competitors. LÄGLER® application engineers were not surprised at all by such a large difference, the higher weight ensures a higher sanding pressure along with the great performance and power of the TRIO results in high removal rates in comparison to the competition.
Furthermore, it is noticeable that the less powerful machine of manufacturer A was just a little more than machine B. Measurements showed that the sanding pressure of machine A was little higher than machine B.
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The test area was again a 36 m² / 388 sq. ft. oak mosaic floor exactly the same that was used for the machines. The difference between the abrasive types was mainly the composition of the abrasive grain mixture.
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Due to the very high zirconium content LÄGLER® abrasives achieved up to 20% more material removal than the zircon mix of manufacturer A, depending on grit size and machine (see fig. 7). The differences remained the same when sanding with the single-disc machine from manufacturer B.
This shows the important role of abrasives in the removal rates. 20% more material removed using higher quality abrasives with corresponding time savings.
Learn more about our abrasive tests, check out LÄGLER - DIREKT 12 / 2012.
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The project shows that abrasives play an important role in removal rates. Same grit sizes run on the same machine at a nearly equal sanding pattern, but removal rates differ greatly depending on the abrasive composition. With the high zirconium content in the grain mixture of LÄGLER® abrasives, up to 20% more material is removed depending on the machine.
Bei LÄGLER® wird in Projekten, PST®- Schulungen oder Tests von modifizierten Maschinen sehr viel geschliffen. Dabei wird darauf geachtet, die gesetzlichen Vorschriften genau zu befolgen. Wie wichtig dies ist, zeigte vor Kurzem ein Vorfall im Außenbereich vor dem PST®- Schulungszentrum.
Die wichtigste Lehre aus diesem Vorfall: Holzstaub und alle sonstigen Abfälle, die sich entzünden könnten, sind immer in einem nicht brennbaren geschlossenen Behälter, im Freien in einem im Brandfall sicheren Bereich zu lagern.
Niemals den Staubsack an der Maschine lassen!
Auch bei LÄGLER® können solche Dinge passieren. Wichtig ist, darauf vorbereitet zu sein und die gültigen Vorschriften zu beachten.
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